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Priority Loads

Whole Foods




Special Dispatch




Any issues affecting an on time pickup or delivery for these loads, on your shift, need to be immediately brought to the attention of your planner and the on call person ASAP.



Check calls need to be made every hour due to being so short of transit. Once the truck hooks to the loaded trailer, he/she must driver straight from that point on to the delivery. These orders are designed to pick up on time and deliver straight through.



All loads must drive at least 350 miles before stopping after being loaded. These orders require a minimum amount of stops and are intended to go straight.


*LIMITED LOADS --- Truck needs to at least make it to our office before stopping for any reason., make sure your driver checks on the loads and reports any issues with loading. If there are any boxes fallen over, he/she needs to contact dispatch immediately and take pictures of the load, if possible. If there is a problem with the way the order was loaded, it will be your responsibility to make sure you report the issue to customer service.

If and when the load is good to go, make sure your driver does not roll without at least 3 load locks to secure the load. If the load locks have not been place, it will be your driver’s responsibility if there are any damages to the order.

If there are multiple drops on your load you need to make sure that the load locks are put back into place and a seal is provided to secure the load. Again, if this action is not taken, it will be your driver’s responsibility if there are any damages to the order.

If there are any issues with these priority loads you MUST notify management and the planners, and provide a plan of action to save the load.



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