Service Failures/Late Loads
98% on time delivery rate is our goal!
When inquiring a service failure, report to your service failure form for the correct codes and detailed notes need to be entered for the reason for service failure.
Any trucks late for delivery need to be relayed to Jayvee and Planner and Customer Service.
DM needs to state when they found out the truck was going to be late and what was done to try to prevent the load from being late.
If it is a driver error you need to also document it in the Driver Comments very detailed. You must attempt to have the load repowered to get the truck there on time.
Use the “Find near” application to search for trucks nearby.
Do not push any drivers; we want all our freight to delivery safely and legally on time.
When entering service failures the correct code must be used, the only code that will affect the drivers service score will be the AH code.
Service Failure reports are ran weekly to ensure we are properly servicing our customer’s, and entering the correct and detailed information when service failures occur.
UN codes are glitch that can sometimes get entered by the driver in when a service failure occurs. It is the driver managers, responsibility to make sure to go back and correct this and enter the correct code. UN codes should not be entered in the service failure screen.
When a load is running late and plan of action must be required by the driver manager it is the driver manager’s responsibility to get with the planner or manager, and find a solution to save the load. If there are no options to relay and we are at a stand, still then we must let our customer know.
You should always be aware of Service Failures for your fleet.
Email is also sent out to you once load is delivered.